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Wait a Minute! Ringtone

A catchy, upbeat track with a funky groove and playful lyrics that will have you dancing in no time.

00:00 / 00:30
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Wait a Minute! - Song Lyrics

Wait a minute
I think I left my conscience on your front doorstep
Woah-oh, woah-oh
Wait a minute
I think I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension

But I'm here right now (right now), right now ( Read More >>

right now)
Just sitting in a cloud, oh-wow
I'm here right now (right now), right now with you, oh-wow, oh-wow
I don't even care
I'll run my hands through your hair
You wanna run your fingers through mine
But my dreads too thick and that's alright

Hold on, wait a minute
Feel my heart's intention, oh
Hold on, wait a minute
I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension
Left my soul in his vision
Let's go get it, ah, ah
Let's go get it, ah, ah

Some tings don't work
Some tings are bound to be
Some tings, they hurt
And they tear apart me
You left your diary at my house
And I read those pages
Do you really love me, baby?

Some tings don't work
Some tings are bound to be
Some tings, they hurt
And they tear apart me
But I broke my word
And you were bound to see
And I cried at the curb
When you first said, "Oel ngati kameie"

Hold on, wait a minute
Feel my heart's intention, oh
Hold on, wait a minute
I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension
Left my soul in his vision
Let's go get it, ah, ah
Let's go get it, ah, ah

Some people like to live
Some just tryin' to get by
Some people like that hurt, ooh
Some just rather say goodbye, bye

Hold on, wait a minute
Feel my heart's intention, oh
Hold on, wait a minute
I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension
Left my soul in his vision
Let's go get it, ah, ah
Let's go get it, ah, ah

(Let's go get it)
(Let's go get it)
Name: Wait a Minute! - WILLOW
Category: Alternative
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.56 KB
Downloads: 34569

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