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Just a Feeling Ringtone

A smooth, soulful melody filled with longing and introspection, capturing the bittersweet essence of unrequited love and heartbreak.

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Just a Feeling - Song Lyrics

I watched you cry, bathed in sunlight by the bathroom door
You said you wished you did not love me anymore
You left your flowers in the backseat of my car
The things we said and did have left permanen Read More >>

t scars

Obsessed, depressed at the same time
I can't even walk in a straight line
I've been lying in the dark no sunshine
No sunshine
No sunshine

She cries
This is more than goodbye
When I look into your eyes
You're not even there

It's just a feeling
Just a feeling
Just a feeling that I have
Just a feeling
Just a feeling that I have, oh yeah
'Cause I can't believe that it's over

You've hit your low, you've lost control and you want me back
You may not believe me but I gave you all I had

Undress, confess that you're still mine
I roll around in a bed full of tears, and
I'm still lying in the dark no sunshine
No sunshine
No sunshine

She cries
This is more than goodbye
When I look into your eyes
You're not even there, yeah

It's just a feeling
Just a feeling
Just a feeling that I have (it is just a feeling)
Just a feeling
Just a feeling that I have (oh)
No, I can't believe that it's over now
It's just a feeling (babe)
Just a feeling that I have, oh

So much to say, it's not the way she does her hair
It's the way she seems to stare right through my eyes
And in my darkest day when she refused to run away
From love, she tried so hard to save

It's just a feeling
Just a feeling
Just a feeling that I have (oh)
Just a feeling
Just a feeling that I have
(It is just a feeling)

It's just a feeling
Just a feeling
Just a feeling that I have
Just a feeling (oh)
Just a feeling that I have (oh, babe)
And I can't believe that it's over now
(It's just a feeling that I have)
I can't believe that it's over

And I can't believe that it's over
Name: Just a Feeling - Maroon 5
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 28s
File Size: 438.95 KB
Downloads: 912

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