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Clocks Ringtone

Ethereal piano melody cascades over pulsing rhythms, creating a sense of urgency and longing in this atmospheric anthem.

00:00 / 00:29
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Clocks - Song Lyrics

The lights go out, and I can't be saved
Tides that I tried to swim against
Have brought me down upon my knees
Oh, I beg, I beg and plead, singing

Come out of things unsaid
Shoot an apple off my head,

and a
Trouble that can't be named
A tiger's waiting to be tamed, singing

You are
You are

Confusion never stops
Closing walls and ticking clocks, gonna
Come back and take you home
I could not stop that you now know, singing

Come out upon my seas
Cursed missed opportunities
Am I a part of the cure?
Or am I part of the disease? Singing

You are
You are
You are
You are

You are
You are

And nothing else compares
Oh, nothing else compares
And nothing else compares

You are
You are

Home, home, where I wanted to go
Home, home, where I wanted to go
Home (you), home, where I wanted to go (are)
Home (you), home, where I wanted to go (are)
Name: Clocks - Coldplay
Category: Alternative
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 455.78 KB
Downloads: 7

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