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Like a Prayer Ringtone

A powerful and soulful anthem that seamlessly blends pop, rock, and gospel influences, carrying a sense of spiritual awakening.

00:00 / 00:30
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Like a Prayer - Song Lyrics

Life is a mystery
Everyone must stand alone
I hear you call my name
And it feels like home

When you call my name, it's like a little prayer
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there
In the midnigh

t hour, I can feel your power
Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there

I hear your voice
It's like an angel sighin'
I have no choice
I hear your voice
Feels like flying

I close my eyes
Oh God I think I'm fallin'
Out of the sky
I close my eyes
Heaven help me

When you call my name, it's like a little prayer
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there
In the midnight hour, I can feel your power
Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there

Like a child
You whisper softly to me
You're in control
Just like a child
Now I'm dancing

It's like a dream
No end and no beginning
You're here with me
It's like a dream
Let the choir sing

When you call my name, it's like a little prayer
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there
In the midnight hour, I can feel your power
Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there

When you call my name, it's like a little prayer
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there
In the midnight hour, I can feel a power
Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there

Life is a mystery
Everyone must stand alone
I hear you call my name
And it feels like home

Just like a prayer (oh-oh), your voice can take me there (oh-oh)
Just like a muse to me (oh-oh), you are a mystery (oh-oh)
Just like a dream (oh-oh), you are not what you seem
Just like a prayer, no choice your voice can take me there

(Just like a prayer, I'll take you there)
(It's like a dream to me) mmm mm
(Just like a prayer, I'll take you there) I'll take you there
(It's like a dream to me) whoa oh-oh-oh
(Just like a prayer, I'll take you there) I'll take you there
(It's like a dream to me) oh yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
(Just like a prayer, I'll take you there) oh yeah yeah yee
(It's like a dream to me) whoa oh-oh

Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there (just like a prayer)
Just like a muse to me, you are a mystery (your voice can take me there)
Just like a dream, you are not what you seem (just like a prayer)
Just like a prayer, no choice your voice can take me there

Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there (just like a prayer)
Just like a muse to me, you are a mystery (your voice can take me there)
Just like a dream, you are not what you seem (just like a prayer)
Just like a prayer, no choice your voice can take me there

(Just like a prayer) your voice can take me there
(Your voice can take me there) just like a prayer
(Just like a prayer)
(Just like a prayer)
(Your voice can take me there)
(Just like a prayer)
(Just like a prayer)
(Your voice can take me there)
(Just like a prayer)
Name: Like a Prayer - Madonna
Category: Pop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 470.07 KB
Downloads: 27367

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