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Hope That’s True Ringtone

A heartfelt ballad that weaves vulnerability and longing, blending soulful melodies with poignant lyrics, evoking a deep sense of yearning and hope.

00:00 / 00:29
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Hope That’s True - Song Lyrics

I hate that S-Class Benz that you're so damn proud of
You hate my truck 'cause you can't climb out of it
And I'll admit it girl, I said it and I meant it
Yeah, I loved you for a minute, but we dance s Read More >>

ure different
It's been a week since you went and hit the highway
And made it clear that I oughta have it my way
But my way looks a whole lot better
With just my truck in the driveway

And I hope you find you a high rollin'
High rise view that you don't get in the country
And I hope you find you a guy with some dollar sign eyes
And a pocket full of money
And it ain't that I want you to think that I hate every single little thing you do
But when you say that I ain't ever gonna find nobody just like you
I hope that's true

You got drunk one night and told me I was white trash
I was high, but I guess I wasn't high class
Enough to show up with you on your own
We were never gonna be two kids on a farm

And I hope you find you a high rollin'
High rise view that you don't get in the country
And I hope you find you a guy with some dollar sign eyes
And a pocket full of money
And it ain't that I want you to think that I hate every single little thing you do
But when you say that I ain't ever gonna find nobody just like you
I hope that's true

I could sit here bitter and bitchin'
And wishin' things woulda gone different
But that don't sound nothin' like me at all
Honey, who the hell am I kiddin'?

And I hope you find you a high rolling
High rise view that you don't get in the country
And I hope you find you a guy with some dollar sign eyes
And a pocket full of money
And it ain't that I want you to think that I hate every single little thing you do
But when you say that I ain't ever gonna find nobody just like you
I hope that's true

Yeah, I hope that's true
Oh, I hope that's true
Oh, I hope that's true
Name: Hope That’s True - Morgan Wallen
Category: Country
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 456.6 KB
Downloads: 4

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