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El Chapo Ringtone

A pulsating rhythm and gritty lyrics capture the rise and fall of a notorious figure, blending intensity with a haunting narrative.

00:00 / 00:28
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Download free El Chapo ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download El Chapo ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

El Chapo - Song Lyrics

Ho, ni tu laa shukeeni phire taad'di yaaran nu
Saade 'te asar nahi karde nain tere hathiyare
Oh, jivein UNO di pahunch, jyon zone jehadi di
Ho, munda pahunch teri 'chon bahar ae, mutiyare
Ho, munda pa

hunch teri 'chon bahar ae, mutiyare

Jo siftaan tor teri diyan karde ne oh hor hone
Naddhyian bhar diyan paani jatt da paase saare
Raatan nu chaanan karda, gabhru hai chann warga ni
Tere jehiyan allhadan nu oh dine dikhaunda taare
Tere jehiyan allhadan nu oh dine dikhaunda taare

Oh, tinted window'an pichhe baaj shikari ghumde ne
Ho, khabran TV utte chaldiyan jinnhan baare
Oh, mera khoon bagaawati, allhade, matt El Chapo ni
Oh, teri husn gulaami honi nahi, sarkare
Oh, teri husn gulaami honi nahi, sarkare

Oh, Sidhu Moose Wala kehndi duniya yaaran nu
Oh, uchchi hek jatt di kaddhe bhulekhe saare
Oh, sun ke bhull jayengi aah Raikot te Bath'an de
Oh, jatt de bol iyon jyon fire donali maare
Ho, jatt de bol iyon jyon fire donali maare
Name: El Chapo - soul666 & its_devilrony
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 28s
File Size: 441.09 KB
Downloads: 4

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