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Tadow - Edit Audio Ringtone

Tadow - Edit Audio MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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Download free Tadow - Edit Audio ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Tadow - Edit Audio ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Tadow - Edit Audio - Song Lyrics

Yeah, yeah, oh

Yeah, yeah, oh, oh

Yeah, yeah, oh
Oh (tadow)
Yeah, yeah, oh

Yeah, yeah, oh
Oh, oh (tadow)

I saw her and she hit me like (tadow)
Saw that thing so beautiful (tadow)
She just hit my h

eart, oh (tadow)
Full force and she got me like (tadow)

I be like (tadow)
Baby (tadow)
Why you so fine? (tadow) (tadow)
Gotta make you mine (tadow) (tadow)
So hard to find (tadow) (tadow)

Baby like oh
How'd you do the thing?
The way that you do it and she ain't even show
She be walking 'round so confident, so heaven-sent
I think she was meant to knock 'em dead like (tadow) (tadow)

Like (tadow) (tadow)
Girl you so fine (tadow)
Oooh (tadow) (tadow)
Girl you acting like oh

She was so sublime
Super fine
She was never lying
Strutting in her heels
Or her slides either way
Eyes on her every single day, week, year
Everyone wondering how she does it with no fear

All that confidence wasn't heaven-sent
Does it come within?
Does it come run out?
I don't know
She'll just have 'em runnin'

Out and in man they want to sin
Talking deadly sin
With Mrs. lady I don't understand
Why she hit 'em like (tadow) (tadow)

Yeah, like (tadow) (tadow)
Girl you knock 'em dead (tadow) (tadow)

Oooh (tadow)
How you do it like you do it (tadow) (tadow)

Yeah, yeah (tadow) (tadow)
Baby you knock em dead (tadow) (tadow)
I love you so baby (tadow)
Yeah, yeah ooh
Name: Tadow - Edit Audio - Masego & FKJ
Category: Rb
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 28s
File Size: 442.82 KB
Downloads: 7

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Rb Ringtones


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