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Invoice Ringtone

A rhythmic anthem of empowerment, blending catchy hooks and relatable lyrics, it captures the hustle and determination of chasing dreams.

00:00 / 00:29
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Download free Invoice ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Invoice ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Invoice - Song Lyrics

Pinpoint, pierce that light through me
I always see that invoice
You left a couple weeks ago I cannot enjoy
The emptiness you went and left up in that home
Pinpoint, pierce that light through me
I alw

ays see that invoice
You left a couple weeks ago I cannot enjoy
The emptiness you went and left up in that home

I want to make love you wanna move
Like please take of your make up said you wanna groove
I can never hate her pour me up a deuce
If i wanna save her she gon have to move

I'm gon make her wake up face up no rest and she tryna look good
She wanna lace up her back can't reach, but I can't to
Told me that she wanna fight me cuz
I am to strict in reality not understood
I do to much for this lady and
I'm never thanked
I think ima go back neighborhood
I swear she knew my name before we met
She like I seen you around
Pop out in that
Bentley hop in baby we gon' ride around
I took her to Venice hear some shots
"You seen this side of town"?
Don't speak Italian la fanciulla what's he talkin' bout

Pinpoint, pierce that light through me
I always see that invoice
You left a couple weeks ago I cannot enjoy
The emptiness you went and left up in that home

Pinpoint, pierce that light through me I always see that invoice
You left a couple weeks ago I cannot enjoy
The emptiness you went and left up in that home
Name: Invoice - Nevi
Category: Rb
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 456.19 KB
Downloads: 3

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Rb Ringtones


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