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Show Me Youre Shameless - Shameless | Edit Audio Ringtone

Show Me Youre Shameless - Shameless | Edit Audio MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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Download free Show Me Youre Shameless - Shameless | Edit Audio ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Show Me Youre Shameless - Shameless | Edit Audio ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Show Me Youre Shameless - Shameless | Edit Audio - Song Lyrics

Don't speak, no, don't try
It's been a secret for the longest time
Don't run (oh), no, don't hide
Been running from it for the longest time

So many mornings I woke up confused
In my dreams, I do anyt

hing I want to you
My emotions are naked, they're taking me out of my mind

Right now I'm shameless
Screamin' my lungs out for ya
Not afraid to face it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to
Show me you're shameless
Write it on my neck, why don't ya?
And I won't erase it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to

Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now

So we're there
Now it's real
Now that you have me, do you want me still?
My kisses are history, they go back a long time
And I'm tired of loving somebody that's not mine

So many mornings I woke up confused
In my dreams, I do anything I want to you
My emotions are naked, they're taking me out of my mind (mind)

Right now I'm shameless
Screamin' my lungs out for ya
Not afraid to face it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to
Show me you're shameless
Write it on my neck, why don't ya?
And I won't erase it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to

Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now

There's just inches in between us
I want you to give in, I want you to give in
There is tension in between us
I just wanna give in
And I don't care if I'm forgiven

Right now I'm shameless
Screamin' my lungs out for ya
Not afraid to face it
I need you more than I want to
Need you more than I want to
Show me you're shameless
Write it on my neck, why don't ya?
And I won't erase it
I need you more than I want to
I need you more than I want to

Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Nuh-uh, uh-uh, don't wanna do this now
Name: Show Me Youre Shameless - Shameless | Edit Audio - Camila Cabello
Category: Pop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.36 KB
Downloads: 28

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Pop Ringtones


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