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On Top Ringtone

With its infectious beats, smooth melodies, and heartfelt lyrics, this song captures the exhilarating highs and bittersweet moments of life.

00:00 / 00:30
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On Top - Song Lyrics

Remember Rio and get down
Like some other DJ, in some other town
She's been trying to tell me to hold tight
But I've been waiting this whole night
But I've been down across a road or two
But now I've

found the velvet sun
That shines on me and you

In the back, uh huh, I can't crack
We're on top
It's just a shimmy and a shake, uh huh
I can't fake, we're on top
We're on top

The day is breaking, we're still here
Your body's shaking, and it's clear
You really need it, so let go
And let me beat it, but you know

That I've been down across the road or two
But now I've found the velvet sun
That shines on me and you

In the back, uh huh, I can't crack
We're on top
It's just a shimmy and a shake, uh huh
I can't fake, we're on top
We're on top
We bring the bump to the grind, uh huh
I don't mind, we're on top
It's just a shimmy and a shake, uh huh
I can't fake, we're on top
We're on top

And we don't need to satisfy, tonight
So get your eyes off of my bride, tonight
Cause I don't need to satisfy, tonight

It's like a cigarette in the mouth
Or a handshake in the doorway
I look at you and smile because I'm fine

And we don't need to satisfy, tonight
So get your eyes off of my bride, tonight
Cause I don't need to satisfy, tonight

It's like a cigarette in the mouth
Or a handshake in the doorway
I look at you and smile because I'm fine
Name: On Top - The Killers
Category: Rock
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.56 KB
Downloads: 434

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Rock Ringtones


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