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Light On Ringtone

A heartfelt ballad filled with raw emotion, haunting vocals, and poignant lyrics that capture the struggle for inner strength.

00:00 / 00:30
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Light On - Song Lyrics

Would you believe me now
If I told you I got caught up in a wave
Almost gave it away

Would you hear me out
If I told you I was terrified for days
Thought I was gonna break

Oh, I couldn't stop it

ed to slow it all down
Crying in the bathroom
Had to figure it out
With everyone around me saying
You must be so happy now

Oh, if you keep reaching out
Then I'll keep coming back
But if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
But if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)

Oh, I am finding out
There's just no other way
And I'm still dancing
At the end of the day
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)

Do you believe me now
That I always had the best intentions babe
Always wanted to stay

Can you feel me now
That I'm vulnerable in oh so many ways
Oh, and I'll never change

Oh, I couldn't stop it
Tried to figure it out
But everything kept moving
And the noise got too loud
With everyone around me saying
You should be so happy now

Oh, if you keep reaching out
Then I'll keep coming back
And if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
And if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)

And I am finding out
There's just no other way
And I'm still dancing
At the end of the day
And if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)

I'll leave the light on
Oh, would you leave the light on?

If you keep reaching out
Then I'll keep coming back
But if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)

And I am finding out
There's just no other way
And I'm still dancing
At the end of the day
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)

Oh, if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
Oh, if you leave the light on
Name: Light On - Maggie Rogers
Category: Alternative
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.25 KB
Downloads: 6442

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