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Morning Light Ringtone

This song brings you a refreshing and soothing morning vibe with its sweet flute playing and airy melody.

00:00 / 00:34
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Morning Light - Song Lyrics

Well it's that dirty stylee wicked and wiley
Come to my place you know we get irie.
Give me shit I ain't takin' none.
Been up two days know I'm on the run
I live my life by the setting sun, got one mo Read More >>

re smoke and a broken lung
Just got a deal and I'm feeling great, here's the e-i-g-h-t -0- eight.
I haven't slept in days I'm stuck in my old ways
I think this binge will be the end of me but I can't say
You're hostile to me it's possibly the worst thing that you came to believe
Cause I'll be my self right down to my hair

My eyes are open wide until the morning light
The sun is coming up and I don't even care
I'm so delirious so if your hearin' us
Just keep it going throw your hands up in the air

It's that hip hop dude with the reggae style
Bringin' hip hop grooves to the reggae child
I tried one drop but I broke the vile
Now I'm running all around I'm going wild
I'm so fucked up I'm seeing things
Got thirty Dirty J's surrounding me
Slick Rick, Dj Quick, and Easy E and the B-e-a-s-t-i-e
Oh no rock with it slow
Roll with the rhythm and let your body go
It's time to release your mind and believe that inside you are free
You'll definitely rest in peace if you do not believe

My eyes are open wide until the morning light
The sun is coming up and I don't even care
I'm so delirious so if yer hearin' us
Just keep it going throw your hands up in the air
Give me another night until the morning light
The moon is fading out and I don't even care
You cant be serious I cant be serious
Just keep it going throw your hands up in the air

The sun comes up and the moon goes down and I'm still up on my feet
With my eyes wide shut, and I'm all messed up, and I haven't slept a wink
Fuck work fuck school fuck you cause I don't care what you think
When the sun comes up and the moon goes down and I'm still up on my feet

Still up on my feet and no ones listening to me
And I cant let myself go cause everyone else is asleep
Still up on my feet and no ones listening to me
And I cant let myself go cause everyone else is asleep

My eyes are open wide until the morning light
The sun is coming up and I don't even care
I'm so delirious yes so if yer hearin' us
Just keep it going throw your hands up in the air
Give me another night until the morning light
The moon is fading out and I don't even care
You cant be serious I cant be serious
Just keep it going throw your hands up in the air
Name: Morning Light - Dirty Heads
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 34s
File Size: 532.52 KB
Downloads: 23

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