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we can't be friends Ringtone

With soulful vocals and a haunting melody, this song explores the bittersweet reality of a relationship turned sour.

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we can't be friends - Song Lyrics

I didn't think you'd understand me
How could you ever even try?
I don't wanna tiptoe, but I don't wanna hide
But I don't wanna feed this monstrous fire
Just wanna let this story die
And I'll be alrigh


We can't be friends
But I'd like to just pretend
You cling to your papers and pens
Wait until you like me again

Wait for your love
Love, I'll wait for your love

Me and my truth, we sit in silence
Baby girl, it's just me and you
'Cause I don't wanna argue, but I don't wanna bite
My tongue, yeah, I think I'd rather die
You got me misunderstood, but at least I look this good

We can't be friends
But I'd like to just pretend
You cling to your papers and pens
Wait until you like me again

Wait for your love
Love, I'll wait for your love
I'll wait for your love
Love, I'll wait for your love

Know that you made me
I don't like how you paint me, yet I'm still here hanging
Not what you made me
It's something like a daydream
But I feel so seen in the night
So for now, it's only me
And maybe that's all I need

We can't be friends
But I'd like to just pretend
You cling to your papers and pens
Wait until you like me again

Wait for your love
Love, I'll wait for your love
I'll wait for your love
Love, I'll wait for your love

I'll wait for your love
I'll wait for your love
I'll wait for your love
I'll wait for your love
I'll wait for your love
Name: we can't be friends - Ariana Grande
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 34s
File Size: 532.83 KB
Downloads: 2009

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