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Be Free Ringtone

Feel the gentle sway of acoustic guitar and soothing vocals as you're carried away by a sense of liberation.

00:00 / 00:24
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Be Free - Song Lyrics

Jump in the deep end
Trying to swim but you're sinking
I don't know the reason
Just needed something different
Don't gotta hear what they're speaking
No, no
Don't gotta take what they're giving

er the meaning
This old folk song we'll be singing
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Imma raise my arms high
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Imma touch the skyline
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Imma sing it loud like
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Let me, be free
Pallivaalu bhadravattakam
Kayyilentum thampuratti
Nallacchante thirumumpil chennu kali
Kali thudangi
Pallivaalu bhadravattakam
Kayyilentum thampuratti
Nallacchante thirumumpi chennu kali
Kali thudangi
Pallivaalu Pallivaalu
Pallivaalu Pallivaalu
Pallivaalu Pallivaalu
Let me, be free
Heartbeat racing
What you feel when your feet hit the pavement
Keep on reaching
Hold on to what you believe in
Don't gotta learn what they're teaching
No, no
Don't believe what they're preaching
Remember the meaning
This old folk song we'll be singing
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Imma raise my arms high
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Imma touch the sky like
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Imma sing it loud like
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Let me, be free
Pallivaalu bhadravattakam
Kayyilentum thampuratti
Nallacchante thirumumpil chennu kali
Kali thudangi anganangane
Pallivaalu bhadravattakam
Kayyilentum thampuratti
Nallacchante thirumumpil chennu kali
Kali thudangi
Pallivaalu Pallivaalu
Pallivaalu Pallivaalu
Pallivaalu Pallivaalu
Let me be free
Vedhala vahanameri
Pogunnu thampuratti
Dhariga pura sannidhi thannil
Poriga porinu vegam
Asuresha dharigane
Paramesha putri raghubhadra
Pallivaalu bhadravattakam
Kayyilentum thampuratti
Nallacchante thirumumpil chennu kali
Kali thudangi
Pallivaalu bhadravattakam
Kayyilentum thampuratti
Nallacchante thirumumpil chennu kali
Kali thudangi
Name: Be Free - Vidya Vox
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 24s
File Size: 380.18 KB
Downloads: 642

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