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Twist Ringtone

This is an upbeat song from the movie, known for its relaxing melody and bouncing rhythm.

00:00 / 00:27
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Twist - Song Lyrics

Run di track, man, run di track
Run di track and nuh bodda look back, dem say!
Run di track, run di track, aye!
Run di track and nuh bodda look back

Run di track, man, run di track
Run di track and n

uh bodda look back, dem say!
Run di track, run di track, aye!
Run di track and nuh bodda look back

Let's have some रौनक-शौनक
Let's have some party now
Let's have some रोला-रप्पा
Run di track and nuh bodda look back, dem say!

Let's have some ढोल-धमाका
Let's call the ढोली now
Let's have some मट्टी-टप्पा

चलो-चलो जी luck लचका लो
चलो-चलो जी मौज मना लो
चलो-चलो जी नच लो, गा लो
पकड़ किसी की wrist

And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist
And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist

And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist
And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist

Run di track, man, run di track
Run di track and nuh bodda look back, dem say!
Run di track, run di track, aye!
Run di track and nuh bodda look back

Run di track, man, run di track
Run di track and nuh bodda look back, dem say!
Run di track, run di track, aye!
Run di track and nuh bodda look back

Naked-shaked सी दुनिया चल्ले
पैर भी चल्ले ਬੱਲੇ-ਬੱਲੇ, हो गई, हाँ, हो गई
ओ, हँसी-ख़ुशी में ग़म की गुड्डी हवा में hoody
वो काटा, लो खो गई, हाँ, खो गई

हो, छोड़ो-छोड़ो सब रोने-धोने
छोड़ो-छोड़ो दुख आधे-पौने
देखो-देखो दिन सोणे-मोणे
यही life की gist

And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist
And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist

And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist
And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist

We'll be singin', dancin', hot romancin', मस्ती all the time
In its season, need no reason for some pleasin', feelin' fine
(Throw your hands up)
It's a party, everybody, move your body
(Play it, sway it)
If you want it, get down on it, let the music play

We'll be singin', dancin', hot romancin', मस्ती all the time
(Get you ready, yeah)
In its season, need no reason for some pleasin', feelin' fine
(Throw your hands up)
Get the party on, never, never, never stop
Don't you ever let nobody ever get you down
If you want it, get down on it, let the music play

सोणे-मोणे मल्लो-मल्ली, कर गए टल्ली
आँख-वाँख सी लड़ गई, हाँ, लड़ गई
बोतल-शोतल खोली बिना
दारू-सारू बिन पीते ही चढ़ गई, हाँ, चढ़ गई

ओ, देखो-देखो, सब घूम रहा है
देखो-देखो, जग झूम रहा है
यहाँ-वहाँ दिल ढूँढ रहा है
अब ख़ुशीयों की list

Everybody in the spot tonight

And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist
And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist

Let's have some रौनक-शौनक
Let's have some party now
Let's have some रोला-रप्पा
Run di track and nuh bodda look back, dem say!

Let's have some ढोल-धमाका
Let's call the ढोली now
Let's have some मट्टी-टप्पा

चलो-चलो जी luck लचका लो
चलो-चलो जी मौज मना लो
चलो-चलो जी नच लो, गा लो
पकड़ किसी की wrist

And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist
And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist

And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist
And we twist
We twist, we twist, we twist

Name: Twist - Neeraj Shridhar
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 27s
File Size: 429.56 KB
Downloads: 407

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