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Trouble Ringtone

A haunting melody with soulful vocals that convey heartache and turmoil, set against a backdrop of melancholic instrumentation.

00:00 / 00:29
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Trouble - Song Lyrics

I don't wanna spend another night alone
Reaching for the space you left in our bed tonight
So I guess I'll call some buddies up
Get gone, take another shot in some broad way dive

I might give you a d

runk dial
Just to tell you what you already know

Baby, I'm in trouble
Steady missing you, I'm getting through another double
A white flag waving, come and save me
Might be reckless but I can't help it
So if you could, would you just come back home?
'Cause, baby, I'm in trouble
Baby, I'm in trouble

Heading straight for another memory
Tryna stay afloat on this old barstool
Wishing you would call, but you won't
That it'll get better but it don't
'Cause Jack D and Jesus ain't you

Baby, I'm in trouble
Steady missing you, I'm getting through another double
A white flag waving, come and save me
Might be reckless but I can't help it
So if you could, would you just come back home? (Come back home)
'Cause, baby, I'm in trouble
Baby, I'm in trouble

Wishing you would call, but you won't
That it'll get better, but it don't
'Cause, Jack D and Jesus ain't you

Baby, I'm in trouble
Baby, I'm in trouble
Baby, I'm in trouble
Steady missing you, I'm getting through another double
A white flag waving, come and save me
Might be reckless but I can't help it
So if you could, would you just come back home? (Come back home)
'Cause, baby, I'm in trouble
Baby, I'm in trouble
Name: Trouble - Josh Ross
Category: Country
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 456.19 KB
Downloads: 3

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