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The King's Affirmation Ringtone

A triumphant orchestral piece with regal fanfare and soaring melodies, evoking feelings of power, strength, and unwavering resolve.

00:00 / 00:26
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The King's Affirmation - Song Lyrics

I will be one of the greatest, that is a vow, yeah, that is a promise
Always wanted to be famous, just being real, yeah, just being honest
My haters gon' always be nameless, give them no clout, I give Read More >>

them no power
Creators built different, they ancient, sooner than later, all will be ours

I keep an eye out for the numbers, I stay in contact, synchronization
To infinity, even beyond it, I am a comet, no destination
A lot of things I am above and there are a lot of things that are above me
Do not come for the people I love, 'cause then I get scary, then I get ugly, yeah

Ain't no problem when I'm the equation
Prescence noted, observation
I'm not new here, reborn creation
Come and find me, sendin' location

Ain't no problem when I'm the equation
Prescence noted, observation
I'm not new here, reborn creation
Come and find me, sendin' location

Enlightened, they call me a siren
Through them I receive my guidance
Don't keep it all in, don't fight it
Fire to a flame, ignite it
Rules make me more defiant
I will never be compliant
Yeah, I got it down to a science

It's so much more than a mindset
Gotta start right now, gotta change it
Take it all back, reclaim it
Don't bite your tongue, just say it
Don't get too high, stay weighted

Time to break down the matrix
They know that the mind can play tricks
Their message it clear, it's blatant, it's blatant

Yeah, yeah, yay-ay-ay
Yeah, yeah, yay-ay-ay
Yeah, yeah, yay-ay-ay

I will be one of the greatest
That is a vow, yeah, that is a promise
That is a promise
Always wanted to be famous
Just being real, yeah, just being honest
Just being honest

I will be one of the greatest
That is a vow, yeah, that is a promise
That is a promise
Always wanted to be famous
Just being real, yeah, just being honest
Just being honest
Name: The King's Affirmation - Iniko
Category: Alternative
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 26s
File Size: 414.15 KB
Downloads: 5

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