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Rain on the Graves Ringtone

A haunting melody filled with melancholy and despair, as the rain falls softly on the graves of lost souls.

00:00 / 00:27
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Rain on the Graves - Song Lyrics

In a country churchyard, I came across a man
He smiled and slowly beckoned me with a trembling hand
Did you come to gamble or did you come to pray?
What's the meaning of your business here on a stormy Read More >>


The raindrops spattered on the tomb from grey and leaden skies
Deny me once, deny me twice, don't look in my eyes

There is rain on the graves
There is rain on the graves
There is rain on the graves
It's just rain, rain, rain
There is rain on the graves
But you came to be saved
There is rain on the graves
Let it wash your soul of dying

Faithless, he denied the truth that he had come to steal
To kneel before the poet, not the altar or the priest
He's washed himself in misery before he came to pray
He'd hoped in his false penitence, some sympathy he'd sway

There is rain on the graves
There is rain on the graves
There is rain on the graves
It's just rain, rain, rain
There is rain on the graves
But you came to be saved
There is rain on the graves
It's just rain, rain, rain

I am the God of sinners, you are what I have made
You're talking to your likeness and my shadow is your shade
Stand up and face the mirror, it's the image that you crave
But I'll be here when you're long gone, I'll see you in that grave

There is rain on the graves
There is rain on the graves
There is rain on the graves
It's just rain, rain, rain
There is rain on the graves
Rain on the graves
There is rain on the graves
Rain, rain, rain, rain
Rain on the graves
Name: Rain on the Graves - Bruce Dickinson
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 27s
File Size: 423.44 KB
Downloads: 52

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