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Over the Top Ringtone

This dynamic and magnetic opening song, performed with electronic music elements and powerful vocals, gets the audience's blood pumping and embodies the fearless adventurous spirit of the One Piece crew.

00:00 / 00:29
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Over the Top - Song Lyrics

When the dogs of war are dancing
And their arrows hit their mark
When your days are getting darker
When there's daggers in the dark

You will always find your spotlight
You will always find your feet

Screaming til your lungs expire
Ready, steady, aim and fire

Did you think it would be easy?
You're one footstep from defeat
But a soldier shan't surrender
And a hero can't retreat

Though your enemies surround you
And they've got you in their sights
Sound the bugles
All set sarge
Ready, steady, aim and charge

Over the top my friend
Unto the breach my friend
Rend the unending night
Let's get your armour on
Let's get your warpaint done
'Cause it's time to fight

When your sisters are behind you
They're your brothers marching too
And the warrior inside you
Comes to run the dragon through

Though your darkest demon comes the day that you doubt
You become a he-man, every demon you rout
Time to face your fear
Ready, steady, aim and cheer

Over the top my friend
Unto the breach my friend
Rend the unending night

You've got your armour on
You've had your warpaint done
And you'll be a man my son
So get out there and fight

It's time Jamie who is she?
Name her, name her who is she?

I don't know!

You have to know!

I don't know!

Well come on!
What's all this about?

I don't know!

You do!

I can't!

Say it, Jamie! Say it!

Well it's about me, ME ME!

That's it, kid!
Name: Over the Top - Original West End Cast of Everybody's Talking About Jamie & Phil Nichol
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 454.87 KB
Downloads: 179

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