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Feel My Love Ringtone

Feel My Love MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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Download free Feel My Love ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Feel My Love ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Feel My Love - Song Lyrics

Someone told me
Love was only
In the movies
It don't exist in real life these days now
But you showed me
If I only just find the faith I need to believe

If anything is possible
If you want it bad eno

Know the sky ain't too high
Test your limits
You can feel unstoppable
Oh, hold still, I can see, I'm so ready

Oh, this is gotta be the night that dreams come true
Everything feels just right
'Cause when I'm with you, you know
Girl, I'll be holdin' on
'Til you feel my love
Did you feel my love?

I'ma have you like
'Til you feel my love
Oh, 'cause when I'm with you, you know
Girl, I'll be holdin' on
'Til you feel my love
Did you feel my love? Yea

Someone told me
That it's unlikely
To do all the things you wanna do
'Cause life just ain't fair now
But don't be lonely
Find somebody
Then it won't be so hard for you to see

That anything is possible
If you want it bad enough
Know the sky ain't too high
Test your limits
You can feel unstoppable
Almost there, I can see, I'm so ready

Oh, this is gotta be the night that dreams come true
Everything feels just right
'Cause when I'm with you, you know
Girl, I'll be holdin' on
'Til you feel my love
Did you feel my love?

I'ma have you like
'Til you feel my love
Oh, 'cause when I'm with you, you know
Girl, I'll be holdin' on
'Til you feel my love
Did you feel my love?

Everything that I've ever wanted, right in front of me
Not a dream, eyes wide open
Girl, I'm here and I'm coming in
Doors are closing
I won't run 'cause I'm chosen
I won't run 'cause I know that, oh

This is gotta be the night that dreams come true
Everything feels just right
'Cause when I'm with you, you know
Girl, I'll be holdin' on
'Til you feel my love
Did you feel my love?

I'ma have you like
'Til you feel my love
Oh, 'cause when I'm with you, you know
Girl, I'll be holdin' on
'Til you feel my love
Did you feel my love?
Name: Feel My Love - Glenn Travis
Category: Rb
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 454.12 KB
Downloads: 44

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Rb Ringtones


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