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Fall Back Ringtone

A haunting melody filled with raw emotion, Fall Back captures the bittersweet feeling of love lost and memories revisited.

00:00 / 00:29
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Download free Fall Back ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Fall Back ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Fall Back - Song Lyrics

Fall back too close, you ain't even know me
Trust my brothers from way back from the nosebleeds
Christian Dior, spend it like they owe me

Gotta stay select, don't come around to me
Better come correc

t, different lives that we lead
I'm in that Nike tech and the bank with Louis V

Two-tone on my wrist
Lifestyle make no sense now
Pop out for a minute now
I swap out my, I swap out my whip
Benzes and BMs now
Lifestyle make no sense now

Fall back too close, you ain't even know me
Trust my brothers from way back from the nosebleeds
Christian Dior, spend it like they owe me

Ain't no Ls, Ls, Ls
Ain't no time unless it's Vs
It's that top of the shelf
It's that stretch to get to me
And it's closer to the chest when your pockets too deep

Two-tone on my wrist
Lifestyle make no sense now
Pop out for a minute now
I swap out my-, I swap out my whip
Benzes and BMs now
Lifestyle make no sense now

Fall back too close, you ain't even know me
Trust my brothers from way back from the nosebleeds
Christian Dior, spend it like they owe me
Name: Fall Back - Lithe
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 455.78 KB
Downloads: 4

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