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Come back to me Ringtone

A heartfelt ballad with haunting melodies and soulful vocals, begging for a lost love to return and mend broken hearts.

00:00 / 00:30
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Come back to me - Song Lyrics

I told you I'm fine tonight, staying good
Spring always been here, I will sleep in her eyes
Come back to me, like you used to do
Be what you be, I will roll you to the moon

I forgot the hour, I don't

wanna know 'bout the hour
I forgot to shower, 세수할 시간도 아까워
You don't have to be, you don't have to be the anything you see
Tryin' not to be, tryin' not to be that something in this sea

Come back to me, like you used to
Now, I could see what a life is about
I told you I'm fine tonight, staying good
Spring always been here, I will sleep in her eyes

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
I see you come back to me
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
I see you come back to me

You are my pain, divine, divinе
You are my pain, divine, divine
Gеt, get, get to the divine, divine, so fine
I see you come back to me

I forgot the hour, I don't wanna know 'bout the hour
I forgot to shower, 세수할 시간도 아까워
You don't have to be, you don't have to be anything you see
Tryin' not to be, tryin' not to be that something in this sea

I told you I'm fine tonight, staying good
Spring's always been here, I will sleep in her eyes

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
I see you come back to me
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh
I see you come back to me

You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
Get, get, get to the divine, divine, so fine
I see you come back to me

You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine (get, get, get)

You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine

You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine (get, get, get)

You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine

You are my pain, divine, divine
You are my pain, divine, divine
Name: Come back to me - RM
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.66 KB
Downloads: 159

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