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Don't Give Up Ringtone

Don't Give Up MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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Don't Give Up - Song Lyrics

I can feel it
Day by day you're drifting farther
I can see it
In your eyes, you've lost the spark

I'm falling apart
Terrified of where your heart is
I hope it's not far
'Cause you're everything to me

Don't go, don't leave
I need you here right next to me
Don't go, I plead
I'm scared of what a mess I'll be
Don't go, baby
Don't leave me here in misery

Tell me the cost
Blood and tears, my flesh and bone
I'd give it all
Just say the word I know you won't, so

I'm falling apart
Terrified of where your heart is
I hope it's not far
'Cause you're everything to me

Don't go (don't go), don't leave (don't leave)
I need you here right next to me
Don't go (don't go), I plead (I plead)
I'm scared of what a mess I'll be
Don't go (don't go), baby (baby)
Don't leave me here in misery

Drown my heart in kerosene
Grab me by the heel, take what you need, 'cause
I need your light to guide my feet
Without you by my side, I'm left wandering, so

Drown my heart in kerosene
Grab me by the heel, take what you need, 'cause
I need your light to guide my feet
Without you by my side, I'm left wandering

Don't go, don't leave
I need you here right next to me
Don't go, I plead
I'm scared of what a mess I'll be

Don't go (don't go), baby (baby)
Don't leave me here in misery
Don't leave me here in misery
Don't leave me here in misery
Name: Don't Give Up - Hayd
Category: Alternative
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.76 KB
Downloads: 23

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