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De Deedar Ringtone

This song leads the listener into an atmosphere of tranquility and devotion with its melodious sound and religious musical elements in the song.

00:00 / 00:35
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De Deedar - Song Lyrics

Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah
Allah Hu Allah.
Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah
Allah Hu Allah.

Je Aap Nachaave Yaar Ta Nachna Painda Ai
Je Aap Nachaave Yaar Ta Nachna Painda Ai
Russ Jaawe Dildaar Taa Nachna Painda

Aaja Yaar. De Deedar
Aaja Yaar O. De Deedar

Makke Gayeaan Gall Mukkdi Naahi
Bhawein Sau Sau Zumme Padh Aayiye
Oo. Bhawein Sau Sau Zumme Padh Aayiye
Ganga Gayeaan Gall Mukkdi Naahi
Bhawein Sau Sau Gotey Laayiye
Oo. Bhawein Sau Sau Gotey Laayiye
Gayaa Geyaan Gall Mukkdi Naahi
Bhawein Sau Sau Pandh Padhayiye
Oo. Bhawein Sau Sau Pandh Padhayiye
Bulleh Shah Gall Taahion Mukkdi
Oyee. Bulleh Shah Gall Taahion Mukkdi
Je Main Nu Dilon Gawayiye
Aaja Yaar. De Deedar
Aaja Yaar O. De Deedar

Sir Te Topi Te Neeyat Khoti
Laina Keeh Topi Sir Dhar Ke
Oo. Laina Keeh Topi Sir Dhar Ke
Chilhe Keete Par Rabb Na Mileya
Laina Keeh Chileya Vich Vadh Ke
Oo Laina Keeh Chileya Vich Vadh Ke
Tasbee Phadi Par Dil Na Phireya
Lain Keeh Tasbee Hath Fadh Ke
Oo. Lain Keeh Tasbee Hath Fadh Ke
Bulleya Jaag Bina Dudh Nahi Jammda
Bhawein Laal Howey Karh Karh Ke
Aaja Yaar. De Deedar
Aaja Yaar O. De Deedar
Name: De Deedar - Mukhtar Sahota & Lakhwinder Wadali
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 35s
File Size: 548.34 KB
Downloads: 24

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