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Super Survivor Ringtone

This song is one of the ending themes of "Dragon Ball Z" and is loved for its passionate melody and powerful lyrics. It is a hot-blooded song.

00:00 / 00:35
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Download free Super Survivor ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Super Survivor ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Super Survivor - Song Lyrics

Dark overhead
You see the sky holding dread?
Might as well be that the moon's a scar to passersby

Sparked in the calm
You see the silhouettes come without dawn?
Time passes on, and they multiply


astating typhoon
Hurricane Superior
Stronger than a monsoon
They're warriors

Survivor, you are the Survivor
Take a sturdy blade through the dire
Call out the crimes, the corrupt, the damn liars

Survivor, the Super Survivor
Break your limits down; go for higher
Count on your soul to attack
Fight back!

Crime on the loose
Here in this age, darkness rules
Bearing fangs, it has come to swallow up this world of ours

Time is at hand
We're at the breaking point for our homeland
Heaven or hell? Tell me where we are

Terrible tornado
Blizzard bringing miracles
They're about to outgrow
The battle

Survivor, you are the Survivor
Gut the enemies of desires
Aim for the hearts that are cold and won't tire

Survivor, the Super Survivor
Get a solid grip of the future
Trust in your soul when you're racked
Fight back!

Soldiers with the know-how
Fixers and their followers
Gather for the showdown
As warriors

Believer, you are the Believer
If the light ahead's looking meager
Get through the dark so you'll find a place brighter

Know the storm won't last forevermore
What comes afterwards we will live for
That's what's in store for the...

Survivor, you are the Survivor
Take a sturdy blade through the dire
Call out the crimes, the corrupt, the damn liars

Survivor, the Super Survivor
Break your limits down; go for higher
Count on your soul to attack
Fight back!
Name: Super Survivor - Mark De Groot
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 35s
File Size: 548.34 KB
Downloads: 1

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