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Country House Ringtone

Welcome to a breezy, carefree tune filled with twangy guitars and laid-back vocals. Get ready to escape to a peaceful country retreat.

00:00 / 00:29
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Country House - Song Lyrics

And so the story begins

City dweller, successful fella
Thought to himself, "Whoops, I've got a lot of money"
Caught in a rat race terminally
I'm a professional cynic, but my heart's not in it
I'm pay

in' the price of livin' life at the limit
Caught up in the century's anxiety

Yes, it preys on him (preys on him)
He's gettin' thin (getting thin)
Try the simple life

He lives in a house, a very big house in the country

Watchin' afternoon repeats and the food he eats in the country
He takes all manner of pills and piles up analyst bills in the country
Oh it's like an animal farm, lots of rural charm in the country

He's got morning glory and that's a different story
Everything's goin' jackanory
Touched with his own mortality
He's reading Balzac, and knocking back Prozac
It's a helping hand that makes you feel wonderfully bland

Oh it's the century's remedy
For the faint at heart (faint at heart)
A new start (a new start)
Try the simple life

He lives in a house, a very big house in the country
He's got a fog in his chest so he needs a lot of rest in the country
He doesn't drink, smoke, laugh, takes herbal baths in the country
He says you'll come to no harm, on the animal farm in the country

In the country
In the country
In the country!

Blow, blow me out I am so sad, I don't know why
Blow, blow me out I am so sad, I don't know why

Oh, he lives in a house, a very big house in the country
Watchin' afternoon repeats and the food he eats in the country
He takes all manner of pills and piles up analyst bills in the country
Oh it's like an animal farm, lots of rural charm in the country

Oh, he lives in a house, a very big house in the country
He's got a fog in his chest so he needs a lot of rest in the country
He doesn't drink, smoke, laugh, takes herbal baths in the country
He says you'll come to no harm, on the animal farm in the country
Name: Country House - Blur
Category: Rock
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 454.87 KB
Downloads: 15

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Rock Ringtones


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