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Boys Don't Cry Ringtone

With its melancholic lyrics and dreamy guitar riffs, this song captures the raw vulnerability of unrequited love and heartbreak.

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Boys Don't Cry - Song Lyrics

Boys don't cry
Boys get high
Boys get sad when they not that guy
Boys get drunk
Boys pick fights
Boys can't speak when it's on their mind

Boys don't cry
Boys get high
Boys get sad when they not that

Boys get drunk
Boys pick fights
Boys can't speak when it's on their mind

Boys don't cry
But I swear to god it gets hard sometimes
Boys don't cry
But I swear to god it gets hard sometimes

Always told to be a man
They don't understand
It's harder than it looks to be a gentleman
Gotta play pretend
No wonder I got demons stuck inside my head

Baby I got feelings
That I don't wanna hide
Can't keep them in my mind
Baby I got feelings
They told me it's a crime
But I can't keep on lying

Boys don't cry
Boys get high
Boys get sad when they not that guy
Boys get drunk
Boys pick fights
Boys can't speak when it's on their mind

Boys don't cry
Boys get high
Boys get sad when they not that guy
Boys get drunk
Boys pick fights
Boys can't speak when it's on their mind

Boys don't cry
But I swear to god it gets hard sometimes
Boys don't cry
But I swear to god it gets hard sometimes

The other day I fell in love
Was good to speak on my emotions, I don't do it much (do it much)
But I still don't know who to trust
I've been stuck inside my head for long enough

Boys don't cry
Boys get high
Boys get sad when they not that guy
Boys get drunk
Boys pick fights
Boys can't speak when it's on their mind

Boys don't cry
Boys get high
Boys get sad when they not that guy
Boys get drunk
Boys pick fights
Boys can't speak when it's on their mind

Boys don't cry
But I swear to god it gets hard sometimes
Boys don't cry
But I swear to god it gets hard sometimes
Name: Boys Don't Cry - Oliver Cronin
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 468.85 KB
Downloads: 140

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