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Believe Ringtone

This song is the second theme song of One Piece, with a popular and energetic melody, expressing courage and perseverance.

00:00 / 00:31
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Believe - Song Lyrics

I'm still trying to figure out how to tell you I was wrong
I can't fill the emptiness inside since you've been gone
So is it you, or is it me?
I know I said things that I didn't mean
But you should ha

ve known me by now
You should've known me...

If you believed
When I said
"I'd be better off without you,"
Then you never really knew me at all!
If you believed
When I said
That I wouldn't be thinking about you
You thought you knew the truth but you're wrong!
You're all that I need!
Just tell me that you still believe!

I can't undo the things that led us to this place
But I know there's something more to us than our mistakes
So is it you, or is it me?
I know I'm so blind when we don't agree
But you should've known me by now
You should've known me...

If you believed
When I said
"I'd be better off without you,"
Then you never really knew me at all!
If you believed
When I said
That I wouldn't be thinking about you
You thought you knew the truth but you're wrong!
You're all that I need!
Just tell me that you still believe!

Is it you, or is it me?
I know I said things that I didn't mean
You should have known me by now
You should've known me...

If you believed
When I said
"I'd be better off without you,"
Then you never really knew me at all!
If you believed
When I said
That I wouldn't be thinking about you
You thought you knew the truth but you're wrong!
'Cause you're all that I want
Don't you even know me at all!?
You're all that I need!
Just tell me that you still believe!
Name: Believe - Skillet
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 31s
File Size: 485.89 KB
Downloads: 138

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