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Believe Ringtone

The song's strong drumbeats and inspiring lyrics convey a firm belief in dreams, and the singing inspires inner courage.

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Download free Believe ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Believe ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Believe - Song Lyrics

Everest is only a mountain
Pyramid is just a shape
Doesn't have to hold you back
Doesn't have to pin you down.
Let your dreams take flight
And your heart ignite.
Did you know that is true
Everything i

s possible
There's nothing we can't do
It's a wild and beautiful fire
And I believe in you.
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
And I believe in you (I believe, I believe, I believe Hey).
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
Don't be afraid to be who you are
Just scream out and shout
And follow the stars.
Forget about the past, It is over
We are the young
Ones our way is forward
Who keeps tabs on stupid mistakes?
We all mess up
But that's just the way
We learn how to get back up
We learn how to turn the page
So we will
Let our dreams take flight
And our hearts ignite.
Did you know that is true
Everything is possible
There's nothing we can't do
It's a wild and beautiful fire
And I believe in you
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
And I believe in you (I believe, I believe, I believe Hey).
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
Let your dreams take flight
And your heart ignite.
Did you know that is true
That everything is possible
There's nothing we can't do
It's a wild and beautiful fire
And I believe in you
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
And I BELIEVE in you (I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
(I believe, I believe, I believe Hey)
And I BELIEVE in you (I believe, I believe, I believe Hey).
Name: Believe - Shawn Mendes
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 32s
File Size: 501.4 KB
Downloads: 1939

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