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What's Love Ringtone

Sultry beats and smooth vocals set the tone for this R&B ballad, exploring the complexities of love and heartbreak.

00:00 / 00:33
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What's Love - Song Lyrics

I wasn't trying
I wasn't trying to meet anyone
I wasn't dying
I wasn't dying to get heartbroken

Take my breath away
Made me feel safe
Made me escape
Made me wanna cave
I wasn't trying
I wasn't trying

right from the start

If a love can't make you
Break you
Shape you
Then what's love
If a love can't make you
Break you
Shape you
Then what's love

I was just playing
I was just playing the game till you won
I'm not the same
I'm not the same and I don't wish I was

Knocked me off my feet
Felt incomplete
Caught me off guard
Hands on my knees
I was just playing
I was just playing the game till you won

If a love can't make you
Break you
Shape you
Then what's love
If a love can't make you
Break you
Shape you
Then what's love

Tell me is it dangerous that you're my safety
Tell me is it bad that I'm letting you change me
I didn't want to have someone that I need
If this isn't love can you tell me what love means
Name: What's Love - Empress Of
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 33s
File Size: 517.32 KB
Downloads: 27

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