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The Will To Resist Ringtone

This song is the second opening theme of the third season of Attack on Titan. It is loved for its passionate melody and surging momentum, expressing the determination and will of mankind to fight against Titan.

00:00 / 00:34
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The Will To Resist - Song Lyrics

Those that turn on the
A show for the ages will
A soul worth saving
The will to test the strength of self
Separate from the source
This dictates the course of th

Yet we struggle to escape
Thoughts like bullets and broken wit

I am the radiance
The radiance and the abyss
The world can't ask for more
It's all that I've got
The will to resist

The remedy
A shop bought shield sold to
And line my grave just fucking
Bury me
I try once more
The will to test the strength of self
In the way of progress
Lost in all the self made bullshit
We struggle to escape
The world found hope and it's six feet deep

A nest in the mind of mine and yours
Spawns a thought, we can not cure
Through the day, the soul endures
The strength to heal this is mine and yours

I am the radiance
The radiance and the abyss
The world can't ask for more
It's all that I've got
The will to resist

Radiance and the abyss
The radiance and the a-
The radiance and the abyss

Thoughts crippling me
I see the end, I repent, I repent
I've fallen again
Over the edge
Is it fear of the end
Or a sign of progress
In spite of all the self made bullshit
The world found hope
Name: The Will To Resist - Bleed From Within
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 34s
File Size: 532.52 KB
Downloads: 5

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