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Still Into You Drill Ringtone

Still Into You Drill MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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Download free Still Into You Drill ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Still Into You Drill ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Still Into You Drill - Song Lyrics

Provide By Desi Beats
Bekarariyan seh nahiyon hundiya ne
Gallan vi dil diyan keh nahiyon hundiya ne
Unj tan haqdaar munda tere saahan da
Par daavedariyan le nahiyon hundiya ne
Beqarariyan seh nahiyon

hundiya ne
Provide By Desi Beats
Mere dil da ae khwab tainu pauna
Tere naal rehke, tainu hi main chauna
Duniya te kudiya tan hor vi bhateriyan
Tere jinna pyaar billo hor na ni hona

Daaru nu hatth ni launda teri khumaari aa
Geetan te khayala naal, langi raat saari aa
Taareya nu paun di keechda taiyaari aa
Provide by Desi Beats
Bekarariyan seh nahiyon hundiya ne
Gallan vi dil diyan keh nahiyon hundiya ne
Unj tan haqdaar munda tere saahan da
Par daavedariyan le nahiyon hundiya ne
Beqarariyan seh nahiyon hundiya ne
Provide By Desi Beats
Sagar te nadiyan da mel jyon hunda ae
Shaama nu dharti nu suraj jo chunda ae
Dhuro hi likhda ae rabb dastura nu
Maavan nu puttran da chaah jyon hunda ae

Haaso hi na ja rehnda, jugg di saubaah aa
Tere mera rishta jo, bedi mara aa
Tod nibhau je kita ae vaada
Provide By Desi Beats
Bekarariyan seh nahiyon hundiya ne
Gallan vi dil diyan keh nahiyon hundiya ne
Unj tan haqdaar munda tere saahan da
Par daavedariyan le nahiyon hundiya ne
Beqarariyan seh nahiyon hundiya ne
Provide By Desi Beats
Name: Still Into You Drill - Chinna & Manni Sandhu
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.67 KB
Downloads: 17

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