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Solo Ringtone

Solo MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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Download free Solo ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Solo ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Solo - Song Lyrics

You promised a lifetime, but left in a moment
I wonder if you even think about me
Throw me a lifeline because I'm barely floating
Stranded and broken

You know you got me lost in the dark
Is it too la

te? Is it too late for us?
You know you got me lost in my heart
Is it too late? Is it too late for us?

Oh why'd you get me so high
To leave me so low
To leave me solo
Oh I was wasting my time hoping you'd call
But damn you're so cold
Oh why'd you make me feel safe
Just to walk away
Just to let me go
Oh why'd you get me so high
To leave me so low
To leave me solo

You look like an angel
Thought I was in heaven
But I'm just falling without you with me
I thought I was able to learn from my lessons
Was trying my best but

You know you got me lost in the dark
Is it too late? Is it too late for us?
You know you got me lost in my heart
Is it too late? Is it too late for us?

Oh why'd you get me so high
To leave me so low
To leave me solo
Oh I was wasting my time hoping you'd call
But damn you're so cold
Oh why'd you make me feel safe
Just to walk away? Just to let me go?
Oh why'd you get me so high
To leave me so low
To leave me solo

I'll never love again, I'll never love again
I'll never love again, I'll never love again

Oh why'd you get me so high
To leave me so low
To leave me solo
Oh I was wasting my time hoping you'd call
But damn you're so cold
Oh why'd you make me feel safe
Just to walk away? Just to let me go?
Oh why'd you get me so high
To leave me so low
To leave me solo
Name: Solo - Myles Smith
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 9s
File Size: 146.78 KB
Downloads: 7

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