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Rang Ringtone

The song combines Punjabi folk music with modern pop music, with a brisk tempo and catchy melody. The singer's performance was full of energy and perfectly conveyed the warm atmosphere of the Holi festival.

00:00 / 00:34
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Rang - Song Lyrics

Yeah, Nana nana nana nana na na na umm,
Pata nio ajj menu hoi janda ki,
Tere bina kitte mera lagda ni jee,
Teri yan wafawan menu kardita jogi,
Teri yan adawan menu krdita jogi,
Dil nai lagda.

jo rang chadeya, tere rang da.

Sings Patti eh gulaab di ae, tenu hiq naal ladke rakh laan
Supne de wangu tenu hi, neendan ch sajake rakh la.
Dil kare tota bann ja, x2
Bann ja me teri bang da.
Menu jo rang chadeya, tere rang da.

Khushboye titliye ni, meriya rahan ch tekdi
Banke sugandh pyaar di, meri sahan ch sekdi
Dil kamzor ae bada, puchne to renda sangda.
Menu jo rang chadeya, tere rang da.

Lavi deyan geetan ch hi, tere hi jhalak pendi,
Sar sar chale jo hawa, tera hi ye naa lendi, Bawa kenda me nai wachda, ghayal jo teri sang da.
Menu jo rang chadeya, tere rang da.
Name: Rang - Ranjit Bawa
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 34s
File Size: 532.52 KB
Downloads: 22

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