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Rainy Days Ringtone

Gloomy piano chords create a melancholic atmosphere as haunting vocals echo feelings of loneliness and longing on rainy days.

00:00 / 00:30
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Rainy Days - Song Lyrics

Rainy days, I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to
Find the way right back to you
On rainy days like-

Rainy days, I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to
Find the way r

ight back to you
On rainy days like-

Staring at my phone 난 깨있지
Hoping for your call lately
I've been on my own maybe
이젠 지난 일에 맨날
Time with you was so amazing
Haven't changed, it's still the same me
늦었지만 우리 다시
Can we go back to that moment again, yeah?

Rainy days, I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to
Find the way right back to you
On rainy days like-

Rainy days, I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to
Find the way right back to you
On rainy days like-

Remember how I used to make you laugh the most
내가 이런 말 할 자격 없어도
Let me make up for all the time we lost
We can start again, open all the doors
Don't tell me it's over, we can start it over
너는 나의 네 잎 clover
Yeah, I can feel your touch, I remember your kiss
그 말은 아팠지 and I miss you

Rainy days, I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to
Find the way right back to you
On rainy days like-

Rainy days, I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to
Find the way right back to you
On rainy days like-
Name: Rainy Days - V
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 471.29 KB
Downloads: 3

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