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Probably Ringtone

A melancholic ballad with haunting vocals and introspective lyrics, capturing the uncertainty and longing of unrequited love.

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Probably - Song Lyrics

What are the odds that in this timeline
You give me your heart, but drop and break mine?
Lookin' out for number one, aren't we all?

Likelihood's high, but I'm here for it anyway
This was bound to hap

pen, if not now, then someday
It was nice calling you "babe" for a while

Chances are

He's probably kissin' her like I used to
Probably missin' her like I still do
Every single day, probably

She's probably tellin' him what she told me
Probably tellin' him that he's the only
Guy that she'll ever love, probably

And I'll never love another like you, probably

Not gonna lie, at first, I was surprised
That fallin' as hard as I did felt that nice
But these aches and pains have stayed past their welcome

Nothing's guaranteed
But we were meant to be
Just leave my heart in pieces
That's my destiny

He's probably kissin' her like I used to
Probably missin' her like I still do
Every single day, probably

She's probably tellin' him what she told me
Probably tellin' him that he's the only
Guy that she'll ever love, probably

I'm probably better off loved and lost
But probably should have known the cost
Of gamblin' all of myself on all of you

I probably thought you felt the same
I'll bet you probably love the game
Even more than you love me, probably

And I'll never love another like you, probably

Name: Probably - Hippo Campus
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.56 KB
Downloads: 2

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