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Please Please Please Ringtone

A soulful plea filled with raw emotion and pleading vocals, set against a backdrop of classic R&B instrumentation.

00:00 / 00:27
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Please Please Please - Song Lyrics

I know I have good judgment
I know I have good taste
It's funny and it's ironic
That only I feel that way
I promised 'em that you're different
And everyone makes mistakes
But just don't

I heard that

you're an actor
So act like a stand-up guy
Whatever devil's inside you
Don't let him out tonight
I tell them it's just your culture
And everyone rolls their eyes
Yeah, I know
All I'm asking, baby

Please, please, please
Don't prove 'em right
And please, please, please
Don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
Heartbreak is one thing
My ego's another
I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker (oh, oh)
Please, please, please (ah-ah-ah)

I have a fun idea, babe (uh-huh?)
Maybe just stay inside
I know you're craving some fresh air
But the ceiling fan is so nice (it's so nice, right?)
And we could live so happily
If no one knows that you're with me
I'm just kidding
But really (kinda), really, really

Please, please, please (please don't prove 'em right)
Don't prove 'em right
And please, please, please
Don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
Heartbreak is one thing (heartbreak is one thing)
My ego's another (ego's another)
I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker (oh, oh)
Please, please, please (ah-ah-ah)

If you wanna go and be stupid
Don't do it in front of me
If you don't wanna cry to my music
Don't make me hate you prolifically
Please, please, please (please)
Please, please, please (please)
Please (please), please (please), please

Name: Please Please Please - Sabrina Carpenter
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 27s
File Size: 425.99 KB
Downloads: 8

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