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Opening Up Ringtone

This exciting and majestic opening song uses orchestral arrangements and high-pitched and powerful vocals to create a heroic and adventurous atmosphere, fully interpreting One Piece's unique passionate spirit.

00:00 / 00:25
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Opening Up - Song Lyrics

Jenna! What's the special pie today?
Uh, deep shit blueberry bacon
Deep shit?

Ye-uh, dish! Deep dish. Sorry, Cal!

C'mon girl
The day starts like the rest we've seen

Another carbon copy of an old ro

Days keep coming
One out one in, they keep coming
And make that coffee strong enough to chew!
I don't know what I wish I had
But there's no time now for thinking things like that
I've got too much to do

Too much to do

All these same things
We're always

Opening up
Letting the day in
Pour you a cup

And say: hello, how you been?
Looking around
Seeing the same things
Every day brings
Hello, how ya been?
Thank you, come again!
Some things never change

I wouldn't call this place a happy end
But I've been round the block and just came back again
A small town like ours ain't much
But sometimes home is where your ass ends up
Order up!

Ordered up is how the day will find me
Everything in its place and time
And I like the way most of the days look exactly the same

Order up!

Check the clock tick tick tock don't stop serve with a smile
Hurry up fill the coffee cup
And then in a while
Take a breath when you need to be reminded that with
Days like these
We can only do the best we can
'Till we do it again
Come on, move it now!

Opening up
Letting the day in
Opening up
Some things never change
Hello, how ya been?
Thank you, come again!
Some things never change
Name: Opening Up - Jessie Mueller, Keala Settle, Kimiko Glenn, Eric Anderson & Waitress Original Broadway Cast Ensemble
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 25s
File Size: 392.42 KB
Downloads: 44

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