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O Baby Ringtone

The song is a vibrant Kannada love song that conveys the joy and happiness of love with its upbeat rhythm and sweet voice of Shreya Ghoshal.

00:00 / 00:31
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O Baby - Song Lyrics

The cracks in the ground grin up at me
Even the creases in my shoes smile up at me
Thought it would end in tragedy
But I'm swimming around in your glory

O baby
O maybe
I'm the lost and found

Look at

the stars they're raining down
Even these jewels want to kiss your crown
Don't be afraid it's just your face
Has that effect on heavens' treasure case

O baby
O maybe
You're a paragon

I haven't felt this way before
Impossible to ask for more
Unanswered prayers that went before
Lie like leaves upon the floor

Hang all the world and universe
When I'm with you they always seem perverse
I'm in a state of weightlessness
When I inhale your angel breath

O baby
O maybe
I'm the lost and found
Name: O Baby - Siouxsie & The Banshees
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 31s
File Size: 485.89 KB
Downloads: 126

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