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Now And Then Ringtone

A soothing melody filled with nostalgia and reflection, blending soft vocals and gentle instrumentation to create a serene atmosphere.

00:00 / 00:29
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Now And Then - Song Lyrics

One, two

I know it's true
It's all because of you
And if I make it through
It's all because of you

And now and then
If we must start again
Well, we will know for sure
That I will love you

Now and t

I miss you
Oh, now and then
I want you to be there for me
Always to return to me

I know it's true
It's all because of you
And if you go away
I know you'll never stay

Now and then
I miss you
Oh, now and then
I want you to be there for me

I know it's true
It's all because of you
And if I make it through
It's all because of you
Good one
Name: Now And Then - The Beatles
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 29s
File Size: 455.78 KB
Downloads: 6

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