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New Love Ringtone

A catchy and upbeat tune with a modern pop sound, filled with feelings of excitement, passion, and the thrill of new beginnings.

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New Love - Song Lyrics

I'll be your sun and your moon tonight
Yeah, I can be whatever you like, ooh-ooh-ooh
I was alone, but I'm ready to feel
I wanna show you my feelings are real, yeah
All this time, I've been living it u Read More >>

And every night, I'd be falling in love, ooh-ooh-ooh
Yeah, but I'm finally seeing the light
Falling in love with you every night, yeah

But if I ever let you down
If I ever let you down
Forgive me, forgive me now
Would it kill you to forgive me now?
But if I ever let you down
If I ever let you down
Forgive me, forgive me now
Would it kill you to forgive me?

This is a new love
This is a new love
This is a new love
Would it kill you to forgive me?

What the fuck? I got nothing to lose
I'm a slave to the way that you move, ooh-ooh-ooh
I'm an addict for all that you do
You're the only drug I wanna do, yeah
I can tell that you're needing my love
And all I want is to give it to ya, ooh-ooh-ooh
Don't give up on the moment tonight
You'll regret it the rest of your life, yeah

But if I ever let you down
If I ever let you down
Forgive me, forgive me now
Would it kill you to forgive me now?
But if I ever let you down
If I ever let you down
Forgive me, forgive me now
Would it kill you to forgive me?

This is a new love
This is a new love
This is a new love
Would it kill you to forgive me?

I still don't get it
'Cause if you don't know it yet
You'll know that I'm not
Your enemy, your enemy, yeah
'Cause I know I lie
And it wouldn't kill you trying
Won't go until you've
Forgiven me (ooh, yeah), forgiven me (ooh, yeah)
'Til you've forgiven me, forgiven me, forgiven me

But if I ever let you down
If I ever let you down
Forgive me, forgive me now
Would it kill you to forgive me now?
But if I ever let you down
If I ever let you down
Forgive me, forgive me now
Would it kill you to forgive me?

This is a new love
This is a new love
This is a new love
Would it kill you to forgive me?
This is a new love
This is a new love
This is a new love
Would it kill you to forgive me?
Name: New Love - Maroon 5
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.97 KB
Downloads: 228

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