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Manifest Ringtone

A haunting melody filled with raw emotion and introspective lyrics, blending elements of indie and folk for a powerful sound.

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Manifest - Song Lyrics

Listenin' to my old songs
Back when I would talk about
Things that hadn't happened yet
But now I get to talk about
Just got back from South Beach
Collins Ave, Shore Club
Always celebrating what I want

to see more of

Took my mom with me
Let her soak up all the sunshine
Let her watch the rain stop
All because her son shined
That's what I call foresight
That's what I call manifest

Movin' to the rhythm
Of my intuition
Anything I want I
Speak into existence
That's how I'm living
That's how I'm winning

Five bands a show now
And you know it's going up
Plays in the millions
Guess I'm finally blowing up
Oh, what a feeling
Ten years makin' beats
Patience taste bitter
But that after taste is so sweet

Could've stopped at anytime
Wouldn't have believed this
People used to talk down
But now I got 'em speechless
That's what I call foresight
That's what I call manifest

Movin' to the rhythm
Of my intuition
Any thing I want I
Speak into existence
That's how I'm living
That's how I'm winning

Look around, everyone soundin' lazy
Am I the only one who does themselves on the daily?
I don't wanna hear about these rappers with the same flows
Everybody cut, copy, pastin', where'd the game go?
I remember when I was a kid that woulda warranted
Ex-communication from the game, now they rewarding it
Got me so glad I know myself

Movin' to the rhythm
Of my intuition
Any thing I want I
Speak into existence
That's how I'm living
That's how I'm winning
Name: Manifest - Russ
Category: Hip Hop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.16 KB
Downloads: 260

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Hip Hop Ringtones


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