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Kokoro No Chizu Ringtone

The song's melody is energetic and uplifting, expressing a desire for freedom and adventure.

00:00 / 00:32
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Download free Kokoro No Chizu ringtone for your mobile phone. You can download Kokoro No Chizu ringtone as MP3 file for Android or M4R file for iPhone.

Kokoro No Chizu - Song Lyrics

Now's the time to move forward, we'll be alright
There's a sun inside you burning bright!
The power can be shared if we just clasp our hands
Till our greatest desires are in our reach

Let us ride on

the crashing waves
With all of our strengths combined
Let's hurry toward the pulse that's beating
That guides us to the starting line

Now has come the time for us to set sail
Weigh anchor, now full speed ahead!
The rainbow winds guide us over the seas
An adventure without an end

On a voyage where we may have to suffer
Lies a treasure waiting to be discovered
Through all your struggles, or any trouble
I will be here to protect you

Now's the time to move forward, we'll be alright
There's a sun inside you burning bright!
Through any stormy weather that may come our way
Let us stand together while we look for the light

If we gather up the pieces of our dreams
They will form a map to our destiny!
So let us all sail under the Straw Hats' flag
Till our greatest desires are in our reach

We're all in this to search for One Piece!

"If we all help out, we can succeed!"
When all of our hearts are combined
The sweetest song of the migrating birds
Is the courage for us to find

Even though we might not have wings or feathers
We are flying free no matter the weather
If the sky's unsettled, temperamental
We should fly together as one

Now's the time to move forward, we'll be alright
Through the tears that fall like rain up in the sky
And when we all return back to the open sea
We can feel the passion that is shining so bright

As our frustrations gather up within
Calling forth the endless, icy bitter winds
As long as we are all under that same bright star
We will share in a bonds that's unbreakable

Let us share all of these miracles

Now's the time to move forward, we'll be alright
There's a sun inside you burning bright!
Through any stormy weather that may come our way
Let us stand together while we look for the light

If we gather up the pieces of our dreams
They will form a map to our destiny!
So let us all sail under the Straw Hats' flag
Till our greatest desires are in our reach

We're all in this search for One Piece!
Name: Kokoro No Chizu - Studio Yuraki
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 32s
File Size: 501.4 KB
Downloads: 112

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