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Kaze wo Sagashite Ringtone

This lyrical song, with its gentle and slow style and emotional singing, shows the protagonists of One Piece’s persistent pursuit of freedom and dreams, which makes people moved.

00:00 / 00:33
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Kaze wo Sagashite - Song Lyrics

Now that I see that you're up ahead waiting there
Hold on for me

On this long journey that we've only barely begun
Friendship, love, courage and a little bit of fun
These are the things that even as

the years go by
Will not ever vanish from our minds

We are all pieces of a single planet Earth (we are all pieces)
Little by little we can find each other's worth (little by little)
And as we see what sort of form we're meant to take
All of us know the wind will always keep on blowing away
(Wooo! Wooo! Wooo! Yay!)

Feel the wind, feel it surround you as you finish what you've begun
Look to that wind to dry all the tears
As you're braving the things you must overcome
Join the quest, join the adventure found in meeting somebody new
We'll never stop for anything
Now that I see that you're up ahead waiting there
Hold on for me!

All the tears you shed will help you to become so much stronger
All the tears you shed will help you to remember
Everything, everything, everything
Now and forever
(Wooo! Wooo! Wooo! Yay!)

Feel the wind, feel it surround you as you finish what you've begun
Look to that wind to dry all the tears
As you're braving the things you must overcome
Join the quest, join the adventure found in meeting somebody new
We'll never stop for anything
Now that I see that you're up ahead waiting there
Hold on for me!
Name: Kaze wo Sagashite - Dave Does Music
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 33s
File Size: 517.32 KB
Downloads: 14

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