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Jind Mahi Ringtone

The song is popular for its rousing melody and upbeat lyrics. The song's vibrant bhangra dance and traditional dhol add color to it.

00:00 / 00:26
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Jind Mahi - Song Lyrics

Oh jind mahi baaz tere kumlayiyaan
Teriyan laadliyan bharjayian

Oye baagi firan kadi nahin aayiyaan

Oh ik pal beh jana mere kol
Tere mithde ne lagde bol

Oh jind mahi je chaliyon patiale
Othon liyav

i reshmi naale

Adhe chitte te addhe kaale

Oh ik pal beh jana mere kol
Tere mithde ne lagde bol

Jind mahi baajre diyan chattiyaan
Mela vekhan aayiyaan jattiyaan

Hath ch sheeshe te laundiyan pattiyan

Ik pal beh jana mere chanda
Vichora do dilan da manda.

Ho jind mahi ishqey di kaali raat
Hove jiven sawan barsaat

Ehe ishq hai buri saugaat

Ik pal beh jana mere kol
Tere mithde ne lagde bol
Name: Jind Mahi - Malkit Singh
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 26s
File Size: 407.93 KB
Downloads: 170

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