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Jealousy Ringtone

Sultry and haunting melodies reveal the bitter sting of envy, as raw emotion pours forth in a tale of jealousy.

00:00 / 00:26
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Jealousy - Song Lyrics

Brown Skull Te Kaaliyan Hoodiyan Ni
Timb Pairan Ch Paunde Luddiyan Ni
Karde Cover Barrete Dubban Nu
Ve Kahton Ready Rehnde Oh Jabba Nu

Ho Kaide Rahida Beganeya Ch Behn Laggeyan
Lok Sau Vaari Sochde A

a Khain Laggeyan
Ve Thoddi Vekh Taraki Wad'di
Kaiyan Ne Hauka Bhar Leya Ae

Jealousy Zyada Ho Gayi Si
Circle Chhota Kar Leya Ae
Jealousy Zyada Ho Gayi Si
Taan Circle Chhota Kar Leya Ae

Dil V-12 De Engine Warge
Bhora Feel Ni Karde Fame Kade
Ve Thoddi Gall Baat Vich Vajan Hunda
Tussi Karde Ni Gall Lame Kade

Sadda Naam Laike Link Si Banaun Lag Paye
Chuche Kal De Si Lath Akhvaun Lag Paye
Ho Inj Level Ni Hunde Kade Chase Mitran

Ho Kahdi Leopard'an Di
Seehan Naal Race Mitran
Ho Kithon Taruga Poong Talab
Jihde Vich Mitran Tar Leya Ae

Jealousy Zyada Ho Gayi Si
Circle Chhota Kar Leya Ae
Jealousy Zyada Ho Gayi Si
Taan Circle Chhota Kar Leya Ae

Ve Tussi Chandre Kyun Ainne
Majha Belt Billo
Thoddi Favourite Dish
Kaali Mint Billo

Hor Nasha Kehda Laya
Pinge Laan Naddiye
Ve Kehda Best Friend
Sir John Balliye

Munde Ne Hikkan Phukkan Da
Munde Ne Hikkan Phukkan Da
Rab Ton Kehke War Leya Ae

Jealousy Zyada Ho Gayi Si
Circle Chhota Kar Leya Ae
Jealousy Zyada Ho Gayi Si
Taan Circle Chhota Kar Leya Ae

Ho Thodde Jhukkde Na Palm Jahe Gatt Ve
Utton Farak Ni Thonnu Takke Dhele Da
Ni Banda Baitha Ke Jinna Ch
Changa Feel Na Kare
Dass Karna Ki Eho Jahe Mele Da

Ae Jehda Patt'de Si Leke Saare Bhed Mitran
Sikh Thodde Kolon Khed'de Si Khed Mitran
Eddan Rukkni Ni Yaaran Di Growth Naddiye
Zor Lala Humb Gaya Aithe Bahut Naddiye

Ve Oh Ni Mittan Dinde Tera Naam
Tu Jinna Ne Dil Ch Kar Leya Ae

Jealousy Zyada Ho Gayi Si
Circle Chhota Kar Leya Ae
Jealousy Zyada Ho Gayi Si
Taan Circle Chhota Kar Leya Ae
Name: Jealousy - Navaan Sandhu
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 26s
File Size: 410.89 KB
Downloads: 2

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