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In the Wawa Ringtone

A catchy, upbeat tune with a playful melody that captures the carefree spirit of summer days spent at the beach.

00:00 / 00:30
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In the Wawa - Song Lyrics

One for the pain
One on a whim
Hard to see the point of what lies beneath my skin
They wouldn't give it to me
A vision of the self
So I drink the image that they sell on the shelf
What was the summati

on of atoms in my blood
I'm a gusher for the devil
There's no boat in the flood
Now my sons the fire breather
I can't look in his eyes
He's the only one who see the truth behind my lies

Standing in the Wawa
Convinced I'm a god
So I'm gonna get any sandwich I want
Why would I stop
My decision is law
Earth is a skeleton and I am it's jaw
If you are the critic
And I am the believer
I would live with no doubt no fear in my features

Oh believe my speech
Stutter though I may
I know my time is coming but it will not be today
I live for the heart
The energy of life
Put my blood in the printer just so I could live it twice
And I feel the heart beating in the flowers and the mice
And of all the protozoa and the fish on the ice

They took it all away
Those sons of perdition
They set my holy world on a path for collision
I said I wouldn't do it
But I'm stuck in my condition
No matter what I choose my timeline is a prison

Standing in the Wawa
Convinced I'm a god
So I'm gonna get any sandwich I want
Why would I stop
My decision is law
Earth is a skeleton and I am it's jaw

One for the pain
One on a whim
Hard to see the point of what lies beneath my skin
They wouldn't give it to me
A vision of the self
So I drink the image that they sell on the shelf
What was the summation
Atoms in my blood
What was the summation
No boat in the flood

What was the sum
What was the sum
Name: In the Wawa - Lip Critic
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.97 KB
Downloads: 21

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