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I'll Do It Ringtone

A soulful ballad with haunting melodies and heartfelt lyrics, expressing determination and strength in the face of challenges.

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I'll Do It - Song Lyrics

I'll be your blonde tonight if that's what you like
Stilettos and fishnets, if that's what you like
I'll be your hot nurse, school girl in curls
Whatever your type, baby, if that's what you like, I'll Read More >>

do it

Pick me, take me, off up into your dungeon
I brought some treats, I know that you gon' love 'em
Come eat my panties off me, do whatever you feel comes naturally

'Cause I wanna let my hair down, is that alright?
Is that okay? Ay-ay
'Cause I wanna let my hair down, is that alright?
Is that okay? Ay-ay

I'll be your blonde tonight if that's what you like
Stilettos and fishnets, if that's what you like
I'll be your hot nurse, school girl in curls
Whatever your type, baby, if that's what you like, I'll do it
I'll do it (do it)
I'll do it, I-I-I-I-I-I-I I'll do it
I-I-I, bitch, I'll do this

I hope you're ready for what I'm 'bout to do
Just close your eyes, open up when I tell you
Look now, don't touch, I'm gonna start without you
Rev me up, just put the key in my ignition, baby

'Cause I wanna let my hair down, is that alright?
Is that okay? Ay-ay
'Cause I wanna let my hair down, is that alright?
Is that okay? Ay-ay

I'll be your blonde tonight if that's what you like
Stilettos and fishnets, if that's what you like
I'll be your hot nurse, school girl in curls
Whatever your type, baby, if that's what you like, I'll do it
I'll do it (do it)
I'll do it, I-I-I-I-I I'll do it
I-I-I-I-I, bitch, I'll do this

I can be your type, you can believe the hype
Just push my buttons, baby, I'll go low, and you'll go high
You can be my pilot, and we mile high it
I'll just sit up and make it happen, then you better fly it

I'll be your blonde tonight if that's what you like
Stilettos and fishnets, if that's what you like
I'll be your hot nurse, school girl in curls
Whatever your type, baby, if that's what you like

I'll be your blonde tonight if that's what you like
Stilettos and fishnets, if that's what you like
I'll be your hot nurse, school girl in curls
Whatever your type, baby, if that's what you like, I'll do it
I'll do it (I'll do it)
I'll do it, I-I-I-I-I I'll do it
I-I-I-I-I bitch, I'll do this
Name: I'll Do It - Heidi Montag
Category: Pop
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 470.38 KB
Downloads: 6112

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