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I Knew I Loved You Ringtone

I Knew I Loved You MP3 Ringtone or M4R Ringtone free download. Over 1,000,000+ free high quality pop song ringtones shared by our talented community.

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I Knew I Loved You - Song Lyrics

I've been tryin' so hard to survive
Sometimes I think that I wanna die
I feel so fucking guilty 'cause God, I'm so lucky to live my life
So I keep all the pain to myself
Losin' faith, but nobody can t

Mom, I don't want you worried 'cause that would just hurt me
So I pretend I'm fine

If you only knew
What my mind is tellin' me I should do
That I'm drunk and all alone in my room here tonight
I'm too sad to cry, it's true, oh
If you only knew
All the shit my brain is puttin' me through
You'd come runnin' over straight to my room here tonight
I'm sorry, but I need you, oh
If you only knew

I wish I was somebody else
I'm constantly overwhelmed
Now I'm falling again, gettin' drunk with some friends
It's a silent cry for help

I wanna get better, I want you to know
That I can't do this on my own

If you only knew
What my mind is tellin' me I should do
That I'm drunk and all alone in my room here tonight
I'm too sad to cry, it's true, oh
If you only knew
All the shit my brain is puttin' me through
You'd come runnin' over straight to my room here tonight
I'm sorry, but I need you, oh

Take me outta this hell
Oh, somebody help
Take me outta this hell
Oh, I'm not myself

I wanna tell you what my mind is tellin' me I should do
That I'm drunk and all alone in my room here tonight
I'm too sad to cry, but I want to
Oh, if you only knew
Name: I Knew I Loved You - Alexander Stewart
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 20s
File Size: 310.86 KB
Downloads: 74

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