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I Can Swing My Sword! Ringtone

Known for its humorous lyrics and upbeat melody, this upbeat pop song expresses excitement and confidence in battle and adventure.

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I Can Swing My Sword! - Song Lyrics

Do you like my sword, sword, sword
My diamond sword, sword
You cannot afford, 'ford
'Ford my diamond sword, sword

Even if you could, could
I have a pantent
No one else can make a sword exactly in thi Read More >>

s manner, manner
Welcome to my manor, manor
I ca, ca, ca, canna, canna

Swing, swing, swing my sword, sword whenever I get bored, bored
I can swing my sword, sword
I can swing my sword, sword

Once I hit the floorboards
But I had it restored and it was expensive
But it was a write-off

Swinging is my business
And by that I mean swingin' swords
Please do not ignore, do you like my sword?
That was rhetorical, you know I am the oracle
I know you like my sword, It's made of freakin' diamonds

See if you don't, you're lyin', but that would be fine
Because this is awesome, and you're probably jealous
I can swing my sword, sword 'cause I am the lord, lord
Lord of diamond swords
Name: I Can Swing My Sword! - Tobuscus & DJ Many
File type: MP3(Android) & M4R(iPhone)
Duration: 30s
File Size: 469.97 KB
Downloads: 79

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